See, this is what I knew would happen if I started a blog.
Real life would get in the way, I'd feel anything I post is in the 'who in the world even cares' category, and it would wither away and die.
Sooo, since most of the 'busyness' in my life is of the ordinary variety (being mommy/chauffeur for example), I thought I'd try a post about my writing (novel idea -- okay, bad pun, and yeah, it still falls into the category of who cares).
One of the fun things about writing is the characters. They become real to me. Some of them become very real.
Very real.
I had a psychologist suggest I was in serious need of help when I told her my characters talked to me.
I believed her.
I have come to learn that I'm not in need of any help mentally (at least not for that LOL), because I have talked to other fiction writers, and discovered this is considered 'normal.'
Now I understand that normal is relative, but at least I can say that I'm not alone. Or uh, perhaps we're not alone, since I have all these people living in my head with me.