Ahhh, I am sooo hyper! Deep Magic's July 05 issue is out and my story "Alternate Path" is in it!
Blog of author L. S. King
Ahhh, I am sooo hyper! Deep Magic's July 05 issue is out and my story "Alternate Path" is in it!
If you buy a DVD of your child in a recital or show, watch it when the child is not there, then hide it.
Ever get an idea stuck in your head? Perhaps an image or a snip of scene that won't go away, but when you sit down to write about it, it goes nowhere?
I've been on the go all week, coaching at gym camp, plus coaching two evenings. I love the kids and I love coaching, but ol' grammas shouldn't try to do so much.
Ah ha! I think my mystery herb is hyssop.
Whatinnaworld is this mystery herb in my garden? I remember planting some new herbs last year, but I don't remember what this one is. And the handy-dandy little tag is missing (bien sûr).
Early morning, a cup of tea, and my garden. A great combo.
I did something I've never done before.
You never know what will feed your muse.
It's official -- it's published! Whoo hoo!
Okay, this is too much. I have ideas scampering around in my head about another SF series -- totally unrelated to the one I'm working on.
My eight year old daughter was reading a biography of Ben Franklin today and piped up with, "They say in here that Benjamin Franklin found electricity in 1752. Wasn't he around when you were born?"
I'm still jazzed about selling two short stories.