Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Time Flies

Wow -- the end of February already! I haven't done so much that I wanted to get done, yet I've gotten things done I hadn't foreseen when the year began.

So far, although so hectic there are days I wish I could just stay in bed and ignore the world, the year has been good. And fun.

Working on The Sword Review is awesome. Planning and preparing Ray Gun Revival for it's first issue this summer is daunting and scary but exciting.

Our gym's show is this week, my son's wedding is next week. We have more meets to go to plus the state championships. Busy, busy, busy.

And where in all this will I get time to garden? Waaaah!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Dog, The Mommy

It's official. I'm a gramma again. But wait, it's not what you think. I'm gramma to a bunch of doggie toys.
My chi is nesting and has dragged all her toys into her bed, where she is protectively caring for them.

My husband just shook his head. He said it figures that my dog would have such an imagination.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

A whisper in the cavern...

It might not ever come to anything, but those of us who still are drawn to the cavern have received a breath of hope. Cyan has started an official Untìl Uru server. (See News)

Terms like 'yet' and 'cautiously optimistic' are very hopeful to those of us who were there for Prologue. Who were online saying good-bye when the plug was pulled and we all got disconnect messages. And wept.


Kerri Strug

Yesterday at the gymnastics meet, my daughter got to meet Olympic Gold Medalist Kerri Strug. An honor, to say the least! If you don't know her story, visit her website. She is inspiring!

Happy Birthday to my youngest granddaughter!

Saturday was my baby granddaughter's first birthday. She was on my mind so much, but we were gone all day at a gymnastics meet in New Jersey and didn't get home till late. This is the first chance I've had -- so precious one, Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dead on Time, Revisited

So much going on all the time -- when will I get time to work on all the stories battering the inside of my skull?
I'm behind in everything. My mother used to say, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get."
I grok.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Young Authors' Conference

What a rush!

I had the honor and privilege of being at our Young Authors' Conference today and shared some writing tips with some imaginative, talented, young writers.

It was awesome to listen to them read their stories and get caught up in their enthusiasm. Watch out world -- the next generation of writers is here!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pulling out my hair...

The chances of the printer working correctly are in inverse porportion to the importance of the document that needs to be printed.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Dead on Time

Life is too fast. It reminds of the lyrics of Queen's "Dead on Time."
Hurry hurry hurry hurry

And it seems no matter how you try, you can't put on brakes.
Maybe that's a motivating force in my writing -- creating a world where folks aren't in the hurry we always are...
I don't know.

I do know I'd like to have the time to breathe once in a while...