Monday, July 11, 2005

RuneScape -- Addendum

Okay. I don't die so often anymore.

But what a time waster -- I should be writing.


At 11 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, what a time waster it is! But it is so mindless, sometimes. A good sort of "do this while you are watching TV" game.

But if you do two things that are wastes of time AT THE SAME TIME, does it cancel out or is it twice as bad?


Bill Snodgrass

At 11 July, 2005, Blogger L. S. King said...

Let's just say I could be sorting laundry while watching TV, or doing other things a bit more productive...

At 11 July, 2005, Blogger Shannon McNear said...

It's twice as bad. *snicker*

I still can't believe I've lost yet another loved one to RuneScape ... waaaahhhh!!

At 11 July, 2005, Blogger L. S. King said...

*heavy mechanical breathing*
Join us on the Dark Side, Shannon...
It is your dessstiny...


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