Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Rechargeable Can Openers

They stink.

We have one -- very nice looking, ergonomic hand grip, cute little stand to put it in to recharge.
Trouble is, it has no 'strength.' It can run for minutes if you just push down the lever, but stick it on a can and give a load, and no go. It might make it around a small can, but something like a large coffee can -- no way. It starts off with a loud growl that grows into a shrill whine then the whine slows and it...comes.....to.......a.........grinding...........halt.

I think I'm like that sometimes. I can talk a good talk, but put load on and do I keep going and finish my work, or do I growl and whine, slow up, and eventually come to a stop?



At 17 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well.. you haven't given up yet!

I would suggest purchasing the new ACME all singing all dancing (no, really, it sings and it dances) Fusion Powered DeLuxe Can-Chewer... um... just as soon as I get around to inventing it. *sigh*

At 17 August, 2005, Blogger Shannon McNear said...

I can relate to the feeling.

In case I haven't said so lately ... I love you. {{{{{{{Lee}}}}}}} I couldn't have walked this road these last almost-3 years without you!!

At 18 August, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I've found with our can opener that sometimes if I run it all the way down till it won't budge at all (with a rubber band holding the handle and buried in the towel drawer so I don't have to listen to it) and then recharge it from scratch and it works much better. I fall in love with it all over again. :)

I hate thinking we have to do that creatively. If we do, then I hit zero power last week, and I'm recharging now....I'm ready to get back to work. I'm ready to love it again.

Now to make the time for it....

At 18 August, 2005, Blogger L. S. King said...

Dar'nay -- stop goofing and invent the contraption already!

Shannon -- I love you too. And just think, you wouldn't be on this road that has caused such upheaval in your life if it weren't for me... *deer in the headlights look*

Carolyn -- tried that. Didn't work. Think I'll borrow a gun and have target practice with that dratted can opener...


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